Tag Archives: balance

Structure – building vs. body

The body is a living thing.

It gives, molds, flexes and extends.  It breathes, is fluid filled and has an infinite knowledge.

Buildings a little less so.

Buildings rely on their structure.  The stronger, more aligned, the earth it is on, the atmosphere around it (gravity), the building materials; it can set the building up for a century (or more) and keep it stable and balanced in its environment.


Our bodies are similar.  However, instead of just relying on the areas around it, we humans have chemical reactions in our bodies, changing mostly from the inside.  We count on gravity to help support us and use our form and its energy to exist and move within the gravitational field.  We are more capable of controlling our movements, keeping ourselves open and aligned in a fluid state.

Understanding how this is done and maintaining
it is where I can help…by working the fascial tissue.  It is that filler tissue in the body that  surrounds, supports and permeates all of  our structure, even our organs, ligaments, muscles, etc.  I manipulate this tissue so fluids move freely, so that elasticity happens, bringing about freedom of movement and a balanced structure.  A stronger one.

We all need assistance anyway.  Even buildings.  We are a work in process.  There is hope for better.  We do our part and learn our bodies.  This is a great gift.